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Caring For A Sick Furbaby

Caring For A Sick Furbaby

A pet is such an essential part of some of our lives that the thought of them sick and suffering is not something any of us enjoy. When a pup is sick, it might not be immediately apparent to you. Dogs especially tend to hide symptoms of sickness. This behavior isn't because they don't trust you as an owner. It's because, in the wild, sick animals are usually shunned by their packs. It's a survival instinct that kicks in. You might notice the symptoms as a pet owner may range from your pet acting slightly strange to them hiding or avoiding contact with you. Any significant changes in your pet's behavior could be a sign of illness. Recognizing these signs early can help you to get them to a vet on time.

A sick pet may mean you need to change how you deal with your fur baby. If you have a pet with seizures, a stiff and swollen abdomen, or unable to urinate, you should seek out a vet immediately. Less severe signs may be a precursor to a severe problem, and you should have your veterinarian check it out within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. If you've taken a sick pet to your vet, you might be required to continue medical care at home to ensure that your pet gets better. Taking care of your pet means understanding how best to care for them while sick. This act includes keeping them comfortable and ensuring they get the medicine they need to get better. Your love and attention are as important as the medicine you administer to get them back on their feet.

Delivering Medication

Before you're ready to medicate your dog, you need to prepare. This practice requires a large amount of stealth to ensure that your dog isn't aware that you're going to give them medicine. If you have someone else present when you're medicating them, it may be best to have them hold onto your pet's front legs, so they don't paw you while you're tending to them. Smaller pets can be held safely in a towel. The best approach for administering medicines is to keep your pet with their back facing a corner of the room. That way, they can't back away and flee from you.


Tablets are easy if your dog doesn't inspect food before eating it. The only drawback is if the pills need to be administered on an empty stomach. If you can feed them the drugs, one method of delivery is using something with a strong taste. Liver pate, cheese, or cat food are good examples. The tablets can be hidden in a small quantity of food, and when your pet laps it up, they're none the wiser that they've been dosed.

You can also drop treats inside of soft treats. Sausages can also work for this method, once your pet enjoys the taste of them. If you're using this method, you should lead off with a few undoped sausages or treats before giving them the one with the pill inside. Vary the number as well so that your dog won't be able to count and figure out which one has the drug. Palatable medicines may also be available from your vet. If you get these, you will need to keep them locked away securely where your pet can't get to them. If you don't, you risk your pet finding the stash and overdosing on their pills.

Eye Drop Administration

If your dog has an eye infection, you may be required to use eye drops to deliver treatment. As a human, you are probably aware of how we react to eye drops. Your dog will likely respond in much the same way. To deliver this medicine, you should first bathe the eye to remove any discharge from the eye. Use your index finger and thumb to open the eyelids gently. Animals (dogs especially) have strong eyelid muscles, and you'll have to be firm (but not rough) to keep them open. When you have the pup's eye open, approach them from the side. Delivery of the eye drops should be done so that you don't touch the eye itself. When you're done, you should ensure that your pet doesn't rub their eye. You may need to use a collar to keep them from doing so.

Ear Medication

The earflap is the most prominent part of a dog's ear, but it's not the core of their hearing apparatus. The rest of the ear is inside their head. The ear canal starts at the base of the flap and runs down the side of the head before sharply turning inwards. Cleaning your dog's ear or administering medicine is a lot easier if you have an assistant to sit near to them and hold a treat in a closed hand so that they're somewhat distracted. When they're done with the treatment, you can offer them the snack as a treat for being such a good patient. Administering medicine requires you to have the right dosage ready. Open the fap and deliver the drug into the ear canal, then massage it down the tube. Wipe away any excess medicine or wax that emerges after you administer the medication.

Taking Care Of Your Bedridden Pet

Pets, just like humans, feel miserable when they're sick or recovering. They'll need you by their side to help them deal with the stress of being sick to help them overcome their current situation. Your fur baby will need someone to comfort them and keep them feeling relaxed. A calming bed for dogs is an ideal way to have them relax and feel safe and protected. Your fur dog bed gives them space where they can relax and get rid of some of the stress of being sick. Caring for a sick pet sometimes means sitting with them and reassuring them of someone they trust close by. This bond is vital to keeping them happy and giving them the motivation to get back on their feet. Don't underestimate how much you mean to your pet. Your presence can make a world of difference to their recovery.


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