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Dog Doesn't Like Getting Groomed? Try These Ways To Make It More Enjoyable.

Dog Doesn't Like Getting Groomed? Try These Ways To Make It More Enjoyable.

Grooming your pet helps to keep them clean and happy, but not all dogs enjoy grooming. Quite a lot of our furry friends would be just as satisfied if we didn't try to make them sit in one place for so long. However, if we don't groom them, our dogs will start smelling like they live in a dump.

It's a fine line between keeping your pets happy and keeping them clean. But is there a way you can do both? Pets, like humans, have certain things they enjoy. By creating a more enticing grooming process, you can make your dog want to be washed, brushed, and kept as a pampered pooch. Here, we look at some ways to make the grooming experience more enjoyable for your pet.

Most Dogs Don't Like Baths

A few dogs enjoy getting wet out in the rain, yet they're the same ones who really hate having to take a bath. Part of this reason is that many owners don't pay that close attention to their furry friends when they take a bath. The scent of soap can be overpowering for their sensitive noses. If any bit gets in their eyes, it could be painful for your dog.

The very first thing you should know about bathing your dog is to be careful. Unlike humans, your dog can't tell you when something gets in their eyes. All they can do is whine and hope you notice. It's not a pleasant feeling for any pet. So you need to be paying particular attention to what you're doing while bathing them.

Baths shouldn't be too long and too frequent either. Sure, human beings should have a shower every day, but dogs' needs are different. The buildup of oils in their fur is good for keeping them warm and their hair fresh. Bathing them tends to remove that layer close to their skin and might make them feel cold. Ideally, it would be best if you bathed your dog once a week. Anything more than that is just too much for taking care of your doggy friend.

Many owners also have a special bath soap for their dogs. Avoid using any commercial bath soap for humans and consider a bog shampoo instead. These shampoos are formulated to be easy on your dog's skin and fur.

Brushing Your Dog's Pelt

After bathing, you should brush your dog. Many dog owners have a specific hairbrush that they use for their dogs. The hairbrush is a brilliant touch since it allows you to control your dog's shedding. It's better to have a hairbrush that collects all their shed fur than having to pick it up all over your house afterward.

When choosing a brush, you should be looking for something with soft bristles that gives a massaging effect to your puppy. Ideally, you'd want to cuddle them up in a comfy dog bed before setting to work on getting their fur sorted out.

How often you brush your dog will vary by the breed you have and how often they need maintenance. Short-haired dogs usually only need brushing every so often. Long-haired breeds can be labor-intensive since they need brushing every few days to ensure that their hair doesn't become matted and coarse.

If you neglect to brush your dogs, their hair starts clumping up and becoming difficult to manage. Also, your technique is vital to making it an enjoyable experience. Always brush outward from your dog's skin and never inward. The natural grain of the hair flows in that direction. Going against the grain may cause the hair to bunch up and hurt.


You're able to perform a pedicure on your pet, but this procedure could go wrong quickly if you don't know what you're doing. Dog nails are different from human nails, and you could hurt your pup inadvertently. Trimming a dog's nails is necessary for an indoor breed, but it isn't so crucial for outdoor breeds.

Nail trimming doesn't have to be as traumatic for you and your pup as many people make it out to be. The best way to learn is to approach a professional groomer and have them train you in the best way to deal with your dog's nails. Having their nails trimmed may promote anxiety in your pet. To avoid this, you should start socializing them to getting their nails done as a puppy.

Under no circumstances should you ever use toenail clippers designed for humans on your dog. These devices aren't built for use with a puppy. Rotary trimmers are safe for dogs, and you can ask your veterinarian or local dog groomer for advice on getting one.

While you can do it yourself, many owners don't like the anxiety it causes them and their pets to go through the process. They usually end up asking a professional to step in and take over since it's the most time-effective way to groom a dog's nails.


Just like humans have particular styles, so do dogs. In recent years, boutiques have opened up to help pet owners get their dogs' hair cut and styled to be more alluring and attractive. You could quickly get a pair of scissors and style your dog's hair yourself. However, if you intend to do anything more than just trim your dog's fur, you might want to consult a professional groomer. Dogs with long hair need to deal with these haircuts regularly to avoid hair matting and dropping. They may find it easier just to do a utilitarian style and cut their dogs' hair themselves.

Additional Tips for Grooming

A safe and successful grooming session depends on having an owner that knows their pet. Many times, grooming is a bother because dogs pay too much attention to the details. Getting your dog a pet toy that they can distract themselves with while you groom is a good approach.

Another decent angle is to offer them special grooming treats. These should be of a higher quality than the regular treats you use for training. Your pet might change their mind on how they see grooming if they get rewarded with these beautiful treats after. Thinking creatively will help you come up with ways that you can keep your pet happy while they're being groomed.


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